The Wonder Quote
We call them “wonder” quotes because we wonder where their numbers come from. Learn more about The Wonder Quote.
The Wonder Quote
It usually begins with you receiving an official-looking envelope. Many times there will be no reference to any specific insurance company or agency. These are the types of envelopes that you can almost automatically tell there is a scam inside. Most of the time, the envelope will say urgent or open immediately. But, we know the truth is that you don’t need to be urgent and most likely don’t even need to open it. But, if you do open it.
Inside will be a letter alleging that insurance rates will be going up dramatically in your specific area. The letter will be surrounded by legitimate company logos.
The letter will be accompanied by a spreadsheet alleging that their agency can provide homeowner pricing well below current legitimate market prices. Sometimes 50% less.
This is a classic “bait and switch” tactic. If you read the fine print you will find out that you will most likely not qualify for the proposed rates. The artificially low rates are derived by stripping down essential coverages and offering discounts that often do not exist. We’ve even seen the use of “non-admitted” companies. This means that if there is a claim there will be no guarantee by the state of Missouri that the claim will be paid.
Insurance Advisors Has Improved Its Product
Insurance Advisors has dramatically improved our auto and homeowner product portfolio by adding several new companies. We should be able to compete with any agency or any company. But we do it the right way. In event of a catastrophic claim such as the recent tornadoes in Springfield, MO you will have the right coverage in place with a quality insurance company to back up their policy.
Remember. If it looks too good to be true it probably is.