Are you looking for effective ways to cut down on your spending? One of the best places to start is your car as well as your car insurance. You certainly need to spend a certain amount of money just to keep your vehicle gassed up and in good shape. But there are ways to cut corners in a safe and efficient fashion in order to save money. Today we will talk about how to save money on your family car.

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You Don’t Always Need To Run Your AC

There is no need for you to have your air conditioner running at full blast all summer long. This is as true for your car as it is for your house. The last thing you want to do is run your unit so long and at such a high volume that you end up needing to repair it.

So instead of running your AC all season, try and see if you can climatize without it. Set your AC temperature at a higher level so that it kicks in only when you are in absolutely need. If you live in a relatively dry climate, you can probably leave it turned off for longer than you think.

The benefits that come with shutting off your AC will be immediate. According to MONEY, finance news, and events website, recent studies have suggested that you can save up to $120 a year in extra fuel costs. If you go without AC for as long as possible, you can give your total fuel economy a boost of up to 25 percent. This should be incentive enough to take this step.

Stop Idling Your Car While You Wait

Stop Idling Your Car While You Wait

MONEY also mentioned that one of the best ways you can save money on your car is to stop idling in place with the engine on. Idling your engine is a fuel wasting nightmare that can add up to a quarter to a half-gallon of fuel per hour. That’s a lot of money to burn up for absolutely no reason.

Another way to cut down on useless idling is to let go of the age-old myth of “warming your car up” in the winter season. The best way to do so is to simply put the car in drive and then move very slowly out of the driveway and up the street for a period of at least 30 seconds. This uses a lot less fuel than conventional idling practices.

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Make Sure All of Your Tires Are Safely Inflated

According to Edgestone Automotive, an auto repair shop and site for mechanics in Austin, TX, “Regular auto maintenance and competent auto repairs are the key to your vehicle’s longevity and reliability, not to mention fuel economy, performance, safety.” When it comes to driving safely, keeping up-to-date on your car maintenance is crucial. Thus, you must make sure all four of your tires are in the best possible shape. This means that you need to be sure that they are inflated to the proper level of air pressure at all times. Doing so will improve the total level of your gas mileage by a rate of up to 3.3 percent. This puts money back in your pocket.

On most vehicles, you will normally be able to find the correct tire pressure level for your car printed on a sticker. This can be found on the driver’s side doorjamb or in the glove box. Make sure that all of your tires are inflated to this recommended pressure. Doing so will ensure a smooth, safe ride that will save you lots of cash.

Check Your Apps To Find The Best Price On Gas

Check Your Apps To Find The Best Price On Gas

One of the very best things that you can do to save money is to use your apps. There are plenty of apps, such as GasBuddy, that will help you find the best deal on fuel. These handy apps are easy to find on the world wide web and also easy to install. Once you have them in place, you will have a handy reference that will let you save a great deal of money.

The Time To Save Money On Your Family Car is Now

There are a whole lot of reasons why you will need to spend money on your family car. With all of these reasons already firmly in place, why waste your precious time and finances by adding to it? All you need to do to put a few extra bucks in your pocket is pay attention to these helpful car maintenance tips and tricks.

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