12 Insurance Related Questions That You Need Answered
Insurance Advisors of St. Louis is a group of independent insurance agents located in the city of St. Louis, however, we are able to write insurance policies for both Missouri and Illinois. We have a large number of questions that we are always asked, so we added them to our FAQ section. Since we know most people don’t read the FAQ section we figured we would write a blog and make an Infographic. We decided to make the title general and call it 12 Insurance Related Questions That You Need To Be Answered. If we can answer as many questions as possible in as many places as possible, then we feel like we are doing all of our customers and potential customers a huge favor. Of course, the list is not comprehensive and you will still need to check our FAQ section to get all of the answers.
Frequently Asked Insurance Questions Finally Answered
#1: Can flood insurance be added to a homeowner policy?
No. Flood insurance is a separate policy.
#2: Is earthquake coverage automatically included under the homeowner policy?
No. But it can be added by endorsement to the homeowners policy.
#3: Will the damage caused by the overflow of a dishwasher or washing machine be covered?
Yes. But the damage has to be “sudden and accidental.” A slow leak due to poor maintenance will not be covered.
#4: Will the distance drove to work affect the auto insurance rate?
Yes. Hundreds of factors go into the determination of an auto rate. Whether or not you commute to work, and how far, will affect your rate.
#5: Is termite damage covered under the homeowner policy?
No. Termite damage is specifically excluded by the homeowners policy.
#6 If my dog or cat causes damage to my furniture will the loss be covered?
No. Damage caused by pets is specifically excluded by the homeowners policy.
#7: If mice or squirrels cause damage to furniture would the homeowner’s policy provide coverage?
No. Damage caused by vermin is specifically excluded by the homeowners policy.
#8: If wind-driven rain comes in through an open window will interior damage be covered?
No. Water has to enter the dwelling due to damage caused by a covered peril such as wind or hail strike.
#9: Will towing claims affect my rate?
Take advantage of your towing coverage. There will not be a significant change in your rate.
#10 Will my auto insurance go up if my company pays the claim?
Yes. The question will be, how much? Hundreds of factors go into determining the rate. At-fault accidents typically carry a significant weight.
#11 If I hit a deer, will my auto policy cover the damage?
Yes. Striking a wild animal is covered by the comprehensive or “other than collision” coverage of your auto policy. Comprehensive deductible will apply.
#12: Will my auto insurance rate go up if I turn in a windshield replacement claim?
Not enough for you to consider not turning in this type of claim.
Now that you have the answer to 12 insurance related questions that you need to be answered, you can check out the FAQ section on our site to get a bit more insight. Also be sure to take a look at this easy to read infographic below. You don’t even have to read the above content if you would rather just look at the infographic, which is what we prefer. But, don’t forget to share it!